America is a pretty frightening place to see. Especially when you get soft from living in a place like San Francisco where everyone is soft. Like take today, when I took my honey down the coast to Monterey, for a little outing in honor of her coming to visit, plus it was a vacation due to my having had a bit of my ear snipped off, due to a keratosis, plus my honey getting persiasis rosea, which is a rash, plus my mom eating some kasha that had a needle in it and having to get it removed in the ER.So we had some medical excitement, and today was a little outing to relax. Anyhow, we get there, and there is a big lineup of hells angels with american flags, and I mean really big american flags, attached to their bikes, having a kind of rally up the main street, while people held up signs that said things like we support our troops and US out of the UN and stuff like that. Plus there were cars with bumperstickers that said stuff like liberals make me sick. There was also one that said Hitler, the KKK and Stalin agree: gun control works, which I think was anti gun control through it doesn't even make sense. Essentially it was a pro war rally, only there was also a kind of tinge of violence to it because the motorcycle club implied that someone, probably me, was going to get their ass kicked any minute. There was also a club called The Henchmen, which embroidered henchmen on the backs of their leather vests. Oh, and there was a guy there who seemed to have no neck muscles, or soemthing, but his head was held up by a kind of rod attached inside his shirt, like where his spine would be, and there was a headband holding his head, which drooped forward unnaturally. Hard to describe, but horrific to behold.

So there we were, with the Americans. And we went to the waterfront, where I saw a seal chasing after a fish in the water, a view I was able to have because I was on an elelvated dock. But all around me were awful disgusting people doing things like eating, or finishing eating and mooing and walking around while I regarded them with my usual vitriolic snobby contempt. And among them was a man telling his companions about how he worked for Ratheon, and how he was a quality inspector, and he got fired because he refused to sign off on the substandard missles or whatever. He got worked up about this, saying he served, and the greedy men sending out ordinance didn't care if someone got killed. I didn't point out to him that getting people killed was the whole point of ordinance, but I wasn't going to quibble about the irony, and plus it's the enemy who is supposed to get killed, not our boys.

I was standing on the dock, and a gremlin came buy, who wanted me to take a photo, hugging it. Pretty cute gremlin.

Then a man came out and had his monkey do tricks while a crowd watched. He was a fat guy, wearing a modified beret, with a ball on top. It was supposed to be a costume like a pirate would wear. The monkey jumped up and down, in and out of a baby carriage and stuff like that.

Later we had lunch. I made sure to take a picture of my honey, waving the mexican flag. She developed a sore throat and wasn't saying much. But I thought I'd capture the moment. You might notice the paper she is reading. That was an article that said giant squid attacks are increasing at an alarming rate in Montrey bay, and that 1,500 of them just washed up recently. According to the article, they are the most vicious hunters in the sea, and hunt in packs and eat people.