There is something so delightful about people having unselfconsious fun at no one's expense. I went to a very old boat club last night, where they have an annual water ballet. Water ballet is ridiculous to begin with, and these were generally women past middle age, doing not very good water ballet. But with every sychronized arm raise, the crowd, mostly club members and family, would cheer wildly. It was very heartening to witness.

I also recenly learned that an older gentleman who had outpaced me on a bike ride, had been spending almost all his time for the past four years training for that very ride. Which made me feel a little better.

Anyway, I might just join that boating club, which offers rowing in old whaling boats in the morning, which seems like a nice way to start the day, though I fear I might possibly get myself killed in the bay, which is notoriously treacherous.

Also in the news, I am going watch to the big bike race with Lance Armstrong tomorrow, because I have been invited to the special AOL tent on the finish line. Theoretically, this will be entertaining. At least it will be out of the sun.