So I started out my day with a row to alcatraz, which looks like this. Those white dots are birds. It was pretty sweet, but the current was really strong and I was rowing pretty much as hard as I could just to not get sucked out to sea.

Then, just as I got back someone asked if I would pilot a swim. I never did that before, but I figured why not. So I piloted a swim. Which , as you can see from the photo, is basically rowing alsongside a race, to make sure the big boats don't chop up the swimmers. Plus, if someone has a cramp or something, you pick them up out of the water.

Then, because my life is pretty empty, I went for a bike ride. I rode out to Consuman Mountain, where they hollowed out bits of the mountain and put missiles in , back in the good old days when the military was totally insane.Now it is open to civilians, even though there is still a military installation on part of it that is restricted. Anyway, it's really steep, so going up kind of kills you. You can see how much elevation you gain, based on the view back to the city.

On the right, that little island in the bay is Alcatraz, where I started.

But then going down the other side it's incredibly steep, with the ocean at the bottom of a sheer drop, so the whole way you have to concentrate on not flying over the rail and plunging to your death. It's pretty fun, in sort of a horrifying way. In no way would I consider it boring. That very hard to see bit of white at the very end of land is a lighthouse. Beyond that is China, or possibly Japan or New Zealand, depending on which way you steer. Either way it is the largest ocean in the world.