So I just wish to reinforce the idea that I go to fabulous dinner parties where people are clever, and that this is something I do with regularity. Even though it isn't exactly true.

Because boy oh boy did I ever go to a dinner party. I mean, this was one swell party. There were sweet potatoes and everything.

There was a nice scottish doctor who used to be a professional soccer player in Zimbabwe. He was pretty interesting, if you like talking about AIDS, which is most of what he liked to talk about. Though mostly he hardly talked at all, which I like. Then there was a few other doctors, a guy who did R&D at Apple who talked about ipods, as well as my extremely gracious host, who is a doctor as well. Plus his wife is a doctor too. Overall there were about six doctors there, which is a lot, in a room with ten people. Maybe it was more like eight in a room with twelve.

There were kids there too, but they don't really count as people, since they were only little babies and toddlers and couldn't really say jack. There was one guy there who was a barber, which is not a profession I get a chance to discuss every day with an actual first hand practitioner of the art. He told me stuff, like how he was offered 125 grand to sign over his lease to a gellato store, which he refused. He kept talking about the people in his employ, calling them his workers. He also told me that Scottsdale Arizona real estate market is booming and he's buying a house a week there and flipping them. It appeared to me that he had hair plugs.

Oddly enough, when I was down in LA doing a recording session, this big ape who sang on one of the tracks was also talking about how much money he was making buying foreclosed real estate in Arizona and selling it. Or maybe it was New Mexico.

The guy from Apple told me he drove his car while his fancy bike, still attached to his roofrack, crashed into his garage, crushing his bike and wrecking up his garage. On the upside, he also told me his stock tripled in value in the last three months. So he bought a new bike. One of the babies there was named Hugh, which is a name I find vaguely amusing. But none of these babies compared favorably to milo, who is a genius.