Friday was quite a big day. For one thing, UMDMJ accepted my sweet wife. Which has all sorts of implications, such as her not moving to Omaha, and instead, moving to NJ. Which in many ways will be more convenient for me to get to than Omaha, to visit. Also on Friday, she scheduled her rib removal surgery, which cascaded into several other events, like getting finals scheduled and arranging details of the hospital stay. As if that weren't enough, I saw the Incredibles.

Even though I have been told to see a movie because it is amazing, almost without fail, when I actually see the movie it is disappointing. No one said the Incredibles was amazing, but I was told that it was worth the ticket price. Which is just the kind of faint praise I like. Because the movie is not great, but the visual effects are incredible, and if you are the kind of person who like visual effects, you will love this movie. Sadly, the story and acting are kind of second rate. But from the point of view of animation, it is really quite something, with water that looks like water, glass and trees that look like glass and trees and all the rest. But the whole thing unfolds like a comic book.

So a lot has been going on this past weekend. Plus I took a little row to Alcatraz and the current sucked me about a mile off course and I was rowing for all I was worth to get back.But while lately life is not all portabello mushrooms sauteed in balsamic, with organic torellini and chickpeas, but it sure was last night, and I am confident that about a month or so from now, when surgery is done and school has begun, things will be somewhat normal again, not counting that my wife will be living 3,500 miles away from where I live.