This is the fish that I made. You can' t really see, it but its a pillow.


They say eating tofu, or soybeans, makes more estrogen in your blood, which, if you are a man, eventually makes you grow breasts and become a woman. And I'm thinking living in San Francisco is kind of like eating soybeans, because this mornign I found myself sewing. And I haven't sewed in quite some time. In case you are curious, I was sewing not just to bone up on my housewifery skills, but because my friend Mark and his wife are about to have a kid and are having a baby shower, and I think rather than going to Pottery Barn and getting something they registered for, I'd rather spend 4 hours sewing a pillow for the kid, even with the knowlege that they will almost certainly not like it. But I'd rather make a demented present for the kid that is home made and personal than some off the shelf thing from a mass retailer.

I"m sure if I had a kid I'd be singing a different tune, but whatever. I dont have one yet, so there.

Later today I am going to a trapeze show. I haven't done trapeze since I worked for two weeks for Club Med, an improbable and mostly unremarkable chapter in my life. But I mention this show only because it is Mark's wife Stephanie's dad who will be trapezing. He, the dad, is quite active, a full time businessman who leaves for work at 5 am and is very successful, but also he tap dances and trapezes and skis among many other things. It kind of gives me pause to think of him, as he is sort of a successful version of what I aspire to, jack of all trades and master of them all, unlike myself, who has yet to master anything, other than my own mastery of a certain kind of self effacement that paradoxically comes out arrogant.