Oh, I like yoga, don't get me wrong. I mean, it's not like I didn't used to do it with my mom every morning, back when I was a kid. Only I'm not one of those people who carry around a purple yoga mat in their bag and go to yoga class with their water bottle. Not that there's something wrong with being one of those people. It's just that so far that hasn't been me. Back about two months ago, I had a trial membership to a gym and they had a yoga class so I took it, just to see what it was like. And I found how weak and bad I was at it, and ever since I have been thinking that maybe it's time I got myself in to a yoga class, where I could strengthen my core. So I went back to talk to the teacher of this class, to see if she taught some other place than this gym, which I had very little interest in joining. Also her yoga class was at 7 am, which is a little on the early side, and ran until 8:30, which is a little on the late side in terms of getting to work on time.

So I went there and talked to her. Her name is Luna, much like the character Luna in Woody Allen's early and still very funny movie,Sleeper, where he gets defrosted in the future , and meets a hippie who says "I'm Luna! Luna, fromt he Happy Carrot Heath Food Store". So I talked to Luna and it turned out she does teach at another place, only there she is Drunpalinga or something, because she uses different names to teach at different places. I guess one might conclude that yoga makes you go crazy. But she seemed very nice.

After work we had a big night on the town. First, went to have some Pujabi food, at what I was told was the best in San Francisco, which it may well have been. I wouldn't know. It was good. Certainly very fast service, and plenty of cloves in the food, and kind of a raucous atmosphere and stuff on the menu about how the shepards would eat their lambs in the Punjab.

Then it was off to get some chocolate chip cheesecake, which my honey wanted. We got some, and an earful from some lady who sat nearby in the restaurant, free for nothing, about how she moved here from Cleveland and how her son got very jewish and moved to Israel. The cheesecake came on a kind of bed of Oreo cookie and the server had unusually acute hearing.

Then it was off to see Wigfield, which is a play and book by three people, among them Amy Sedaris and Stephen Colbert, from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The show was kind of funny, very dark, about a town about to be flooded when a dam is opened. The audience seemed to love it, howling with gales of laughter, and giving a ten minute standing ovation at the end. I like Stephen Colbert, though I didn't find my sides aching from laughter.

After the show, I talked to him for a little while, and he was very earnest and nice. I wound up giving him some of my comic masterpieces, which made me wish I had my site up so I could print the url on it, which would enable me to catapult myself to fame and fortune or at least doing some animated interstitials for the Daily Show, which would pretty much be a dream come true. But so far I can't print my url, because my site isn't up, because the evil person who promised to put it up has thus far be unwilling to do so, even though I could just put my old version up in a minute but he said he was going to redesign it and I still believe it. Only I'm getting antsy because I got another call this week from someone trying to view it that Chris had sent there and I had to give the lame answer that it was down for reconstruction.

Anyway, back to Stephen Colbert. He was very gracious, though he was suprisingly into talking about Dungeons and Dragons. Though I like to think of myself as a person who can talk about any topic, D&D is not really a subject I have that much to say about. Which is regrettable under the circumstances, because I can't help but feel that if I had more to say on the topic, and we had bonded properly, Stephen would eventualy invite me to bbq's at Tina Fey's house and stuff like that, where I could position myself to eventually become heir to the Robert Smiegel fortune. As it was, we just chatted for a few minutes and he was very nice which is probably about the best outcome I could have hoped for, short of somehow sending him to a url of my stuff, which I already explained why I couldn't and the train has left the station without me and opportunity has knocked and all that. And I don't feel bad or anything but if GREG GRAF WOULDN'T FIND IT TOO MUCH TROUBLE TO FIT IT INTO HIS BUSY SCHEDULE I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT IF HE GOT THE SITE UP THIS WEEKEND LIKE HE SAID.