I must say there sure has been a lot of traffic through here lately. And I should be clear about this point: I like visitors. But a lot of them is all I'm talking about. First Rob came through with his band, then Perry and Ari, making their documentary, which got me sort of involved in it, since I went to the shoot, and had to go pick up a ten foot banner they were having made in Oakland. Then I actually went to the shoot, where people were auditioning for a show called the Ultimate Ultimate Challenge. That is a new reality TV show. But the documentary is just about the auditions and the show pitches. The people auditioning were no different than the people you might expect to be auditioning for a reality TV show.

Also a lot of socializing lately, including one gathering which had what is one of the most awkward moments I can recall being witness to, where a woman (fairly large) and her husband, who was wheelchair bound and extremely deformed, but a nice guy and sort of a genius, where talking to a woman who drew the comparison to their Mutt and Jeff disparate appearance to her having a crush on a short guy. Understand that this genius deformed husband was only about three feet high in his wheelchair, he wasn't "short." He was a doctorate in the philosophy of chemistry, which I have never even heard of, but he is a professor of some kind of ethics of chemistry or something.

At another party yesterday, a man was there who was in his mid 60s, and for Father's Day, his children had given him the gift of a tattoo on his chest that says DNR/DNI, which means do not ressusitate/do not intubate. Which is crazy enough, but this guy happens to work in the field of palliative care, meaning the dying, and you would think he would just get a medialert braclet and be satisfied.

Then last night, we went out with yet another group of people, to see the excreble movie Wedding Crashers, which mostly made my head throb so such an extent that I finished off the weekend with two asprin before bed. And that isn't just because the move offers about 20 minutes of amusement packed in a 120 minutes of film, but also because I had been out of sorts due to a not very relaxing day.

I am, after all, not getting any younger.